Course Location:
Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital – University Campus
3599 University Boulevard South
Jacksonville, Florida, 32216
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide enhanced knowledge and skill for clinicians who already have some proficiency and a basic understanding of the safe delivery of spinal manipulation techniques for all regions of the spine. Participants will be instructed in manipulation techniques that are not end range and which utilise minimal leverages to achieve cavitation. Emphasis will be placed on patient comfort, developing thrust speed and minimising amplitude when the manipulative impulse is applied. All manipulation techniques will be taught with a focus on the significance and importance of final minor adjustments immediately pre-thrust. Participants will have the opportunity to address their own individual difficulties regarding the application of spinal HVLA thrust techniques. A number of Clinical Practice Guidelines relating to the treatment of spinal pain and dysfunction promote a multimodal approach to treatment and recommend consideration of the treatment option combining mobilisation, manipulation and exercise. Participants completing this course will gain enhanced knowledge and manipulative skills to enable them to use these Clinical Practice Guidelines when determining the most appropriate treatment for their patients with spinal pain and dysfunction.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the Advanced Spinal Manipulation Program, participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate a consolidation of existing knowledge and enhanced proficiency in pre-thrust spinal positioning for the following regions: O-C1, C1-2, C2-7, C7-T3, T4-9, L2-5 and L5-S1.
- Demonstrate proficiency in pre-thrust spinal positioning for the following regions: Ribs 1-10 and T10-L2.
- Demonstrate enhanced proficiency in the effective delivery of HVLA thrust techniques in a manner that is safe, comfortable for the patient and which does not use excessive force or leverage for the following regions: O-C1, C1-2, C2-7, C7-T3, T4-9, L2-5 and L5-S1.
- Demonstrate proficiency in in the effective delivery of HVLA thrust techniques in a manner that is safe, comfortable for the patient and which does not use excessive force or leverage for the following regions: Ribs 1-10 and T10-L2.
- Demonstrate the use of momentum induced HVLA thrust techniques for different regions of the spine.
Course Education Level: Advanced